BuyVia Blog: Expert Tips for Saving Money in Online Shopping with Coupons and Discounts
Credit Freeze – Block Thieves, Protect your Credit with a Security Freeze
Last Update: 9/21/2018
In September 2017, Equifax got hacked affecting 143 Million customers. (Almost everyone!) Equifax is offering complimentary identity theft protection.
As you probably know, security breaches at retail companies, banks, and even government agencies have been making their way to headlines rather frequently within the past few years. At this point, if you are not concerned about identity fraud, you should be. Just this past week, Americans found out that an attack on the Office of Personnel Management had impacted 14 million more people than initially reported.
Twelve Ways to Save on Gas
Gas prices have been rising constantly for months now, for a variety of reasons. For one, the pandemic has led to major supply issues in many parts of the economy. Gas prices have suffered from almost a 50% increase in the past year. Additionally, the recent war between Russia and Ukraine has sent oil prices up, with gas prices following. Below are twelve tips on how you can improve your fuel economy, and save more money overall. We actually came up with more than 12, but who is counting!
- Use gas finding apps to discover the lowest gas prices
How to Find Cheap Airline Tickets for your next Flight
Last updated: 12/25/2024
How to Find a Cheap Flight Ticket? Are you tired of worrying that you paid a lot more for your airplane seat than the guy sitting next to you? Airline pricing changes by the minute and often times makes no sense. Most people do 75 searches before buying airline tickets! Short of befriending an airline employee and using friend passes, here are some tried and true tips on finding a cheap airline flight.
There is NO magic day/time to get the cheapest flight - Confessions of an airline revenue manager
How Do We Book Tickets?
The Best Store Return Policy and Refund Policies – Extended Holiday Returns
Last Updated: 12/3/2024
Stores Hate Returns
Let's face it, any store wants you to keep what you buy and never return it. Returns are costly to process, restock, and ship. Consumers need the option of returning an item, or else they would purchase far less products. Read the full post…
The Insider’s Guide to Cyber Monday Deals
Last Update: 10/1/2024
The best time of the year to purchase many items is approaching rapidly. The holiday shopping season starts off at Thanksgiving and continues to Christmas. Between those two holidays, you will find two major shopping days, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
How is Fast Food Made to be Addicting?
Although many of us are aware of how unhealthy most commercial fast food is, why do we keep buying it? Why is the fast food industry valued at over 850 billion dollars? There’s a variety of reasons, but here are a few of the main ones.
Our brains like fast food:
Eating Junk Food vs. Fast Food
Some might consider fast food the same as junk food. However, not all fast food is junk food. The definition of junk food is food that has low nutritional value but high in calories, sugars, and fats. In contrast, the definition of fast food is food that can be bought quickly and conveniently from restaurants or cafes. Although some types of fast food do fall under the category of unhealthy junk food, there are other types of fast food that are better to consume.
There are some restaurants that are known for having junk food such as McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s etc. Although it’s okay to order from these restaurants once in a while, it’s better that you find alternative fast food restaurants to eat at more regularly. Here are some fast food restaurants that have food that is delicious but healthier than junk food.
How to Get Maximum Value Out of Fast Food Restaurants
With the rising prices everywhere, food has become expensive–even fast food. Here are a few ways you can get the most value out of your fast food orders.
Optimize Drink Sizing:
Top 10 Fast Food Restaurants for Vegetarians
As a vegetarian, one wonders if there is compatible food to order when eating out. This is especially a worry when it comes to fast food and fast casual restaurants. When it comes to fast food restaurants, people usually think of burgers, fried chicken, and other food that contains meat. However, there are some vegetarian options at these fast food restaurants too. The matter is, finding which restaurants have vegetarian options. Here are the top 10 fast food recommendations for vegetarians to try, along with a few vegetarian based restaurants:
Wendy’s Baked Potato
Top 10 Best Fast Food Hamburgers Ranked
#1 Top Rated!
Hamburger: $3.15