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Steam Summer Sale 2013 Game Deals
Steam Summer Sale is here game deals from 7/11 - 7/22. Steam Game Deals are update daily.
Unsure if your computer can run the game you want to buy? Can You Run It is an online tool that can help you determine if your computer can run a specific game.
If you are looking for a new gaming laptop, we suggest taking a look at the Lenovo Y400 series, Y410p gaming laptop.
Hidden Gems
- Bit.Trip Fate - $4.99 (Release on 7/11)
- Dyad - $3.74
- DisplayFusion - $9.29 - Great Software if you use multiple computer displays
7/17 Daily Sale
- Dead Island: Riptide - $19.99
- Evoland - $4.99
- Ace of Spades - $2.49
- Batman: Arkham City - Game of The Year Edition - $7.49
- Dark Souls - Prepare to Die Edition - $7.49
- Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword - $2.49
- Grand Theft Auto 4 - $4.99
- Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - $13.59
- Deus Ex: Human Revolation - $2.99
- Topico 4 - Steam Special Edition - $5.99
7/16 Daily Sale
- Football Manager 2013 - $9.99
- System Shock 2 - $2.49
- Sleeping Dogs -$6.24
- Mark of the Ninja - $3.74
- Crysis 2: Maximum Edition - $8.99
- Orcs Must Die 2 - $3.74
- Alan Wake - $2.99
- Rising Storm -$9.99
- The Secret World - $14.99
- DmC Devil May Cry - $24.99
7/17 Flash Sales 10AM - 6PM
- Left 4 Dead 2 - $4.99
- Gunpoint - $5.99
- Lego: The Lord of the Rings - $7.49
- War of the Roses: King Maker - $4.99
7/17 Community's Choice 10AM
- The Walking Dead - $6.24
7/15 Daily Sale
Reus - $4.99Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion - $9.99Castle Crashers - $3.74Dishonored - $10.19Terraria - $2.49Wargame: Airland Battle - $7.49Dust: An Elysian Tail - $7.49Dawn of War II: Retribution - $7.49Max Payne 3 - $9.99Killing Floor - $3.99
7/16 Flash Sales 2AM - 10PM
Trochlight 2 -$4.99>Defiance -$13.59Music Creator 6 Touch -$16.99Half-Life 2 -$2.49
7/16 Community's Choice 2AM
Surgeon Simulator 2013 - $3.39
7/16 Flash Sales 6PM - 2AM
Mars: War Logs - $9.99Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition - $8.99F1 2012 - $9.99Aliens: Colonial Marines - $12.49
7/16 Community's Choice 6PM
Civilization V - $7.49
7/16 Flash Sales 10AM - 6PM
Assassin's Creed 3 - $23.99Amnesia: The Dark Descent - $3.99Scribblenauts Unlimited -$4.99Serious Same 3: BFE -$3.99
7/16 Community's Choice 10AM
7/14 Daily Sale
Kerbal: Space Program - $13.79Portal 2 - $4.99Remember Me - $29.99Arma II - $4.41Sanctum 2 - $7.49Fallout: New Vegas - $2.49Total War Shogun 2 - $7.49Eador: Masters of the Broken World - $11.99The Sims 3 - $14.99Hitman: Absolution - $6.24
7/16 Flash Sales 2AM - 10AM
Carrier Command - $8.24Don't Starve - $8.993DMark - $8.49Galactic Civilizations 2: Ultimate Edition - $4.99
7/16 Community's Choice 2AM
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum - $4.99
7/15 Flash Sales 6PM - 2AM
Unreal Tournament 2004 - $3.74Primal Carnage - $5.09Crusader Kings II - $9.99F.E.A.R 3 - $4.99
7/15 Community's Choice 6PM
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - $2.99
7/15 Flash Sales 10AM - 6PM
Bioshock Infinite - $29.99Mirror's Edge - $5.99Starwars: Knights of the Old Republic II - $3.39Organ Trail: Director's Cut - $1.24
7/15 Community's Choice 10AM
Natural Selection 2 - $6.24
7/13 Daily Sale
Tomb Raider- $12.49Mars: War Logs - $9.99The Witcher 2 - $4.99RPG Maker VX Ace - $23.79Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army - $5.09Resident Evil 6 - $19.99Might & Magic: Heros VI - $10.19Age of Empries II: HD Edition - $9.99StarDrive - $10.19
7/14 Flash Sale 6PM - 2AM
Spec Ops: The Line - $7.49Poker Night 2 - $2.49The Swapper - $7.49Track Mania: Canyon - $9.99
7/14 Community's Choice 6PM
Torchlight 2 - $4.99
7/14 Flash Sale 10AM - 6PM
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition - $8.99Impire - $4.99Doom 3: BFG Edition - $4.99NBA2K13 - $7.49
7/14 Community's Choice 10AM
Deadlight - $3.74
7/14 Flash Sale 2AM - 10AM
You Need a Budget 4 - $14.99(We highly recommend this even though it is not a game)Metro: Last Light - $29.99Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars - $6.79SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition - $5.99
7/14 Community Choice 2AM
System Shock 2 - $2.49
7/13 Flash Sale 6PM - 2AM
Lords of Football - $10.19RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum - $ 4.99 (our pick for this flash sale)I Am Alive - $5.09Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick: Recipice of Darkness - $2.49
7/13 Community's Choice 6PM
Universe Sandbox - $1.99
7/13 Flash Sale 10AM - 6PM
Blood Bowl: Chaos Edition - $7.49Kinetic Void - $6.79Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - $5.99L.A. Noire - $9.99
7/13 Community Choice 10AM
Hitman: Absolution - $6.24
7/12 Daily Sale
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare - $6.24The Walking Dead - $6.24Pez - $4.99Sniper 2: Ghost Warrior - $4.49Faster Than Light - $2.49Anno 2070 - $14.99Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 - $29.99Darksiders 2: Death Lives - $9.99Just Cause 2 - $2.99Surgeon Simulator 2013 - $3.39
7/13 Flash Sale 2AM - 10AM
Farming Simulator 2013 - $9.51Garry's Mod - $2.49Batman Arkham City Game of The Year Edition - $7.49 (one of our favorites)Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles+ - $5.09Ys Origin - $6.79
7/13 Community's Choice 2AM
Tropico 4: Steam Special Edition - $5.99
7/12 Flash Sale 6PM - 2AM
Bully Scholarship Edition - $3.74Super Meat Boy - $3.74Magicka - $2.49God Mode - $4.99
7/12 Community Choice
Sleeping Dogs - $6.24
7/12 Flash Sale 10AM - 6PM
BitTrip Runner 2 - $7.49FarCry 3 - $23.99XCOM: Enemy Unknown - $9.99Legend of Grimrock - $3.74
Community Choice 10AM-6PM
Grand Theft Auto 4 - $4.99
7/11 Daily Sale
Bioshock Infinite - $29.99Call of Juarez: Gunslinger - $10.04Defiance - $13.59Left 4 Dead 2 - $4.99Scribblenaughts Unlimited - $4.99Don't Starve - $11.99Endless Space: Emperor Edition - $10.19Hotline Miami - $2.49Toki Tori 2+ - $9.89Anti-Chamber - $6.79Mars: War Logs - $13.39
Community Deal 7/12 2AM - 10AM
Saints Row: The Third - $4.99
Flash Sale 2AM - 10AM
Little Inferno - $2.49Duke Nukem 3D - $3.39Civilization V - $7.49Football Manager 2013 - $9.99
Community Deal 7/12 - 6PM - 2AM
Borderlands 2 - $10.19
Flash Sale 7/11 - 6PM - 7/12 2AM
Bastion -$2.24Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition - $7.49Euro Truck Simulator 2 - $9.99Cities XL: Platnum - $7.49
Flash Sale 7/11 - 10AM - 6PM
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - $5.09The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - $20.99Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition - $8.99Grid 2 - $29.99 (best price we've seen this game)
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